SL66 Polar Energy-time curves software


The SL66 is a unique software that uses the TDS energy time curve to determine the direction of origin for reflections. This program allow you to analyzer a room to find out which surfaces are producing reflections. This is very useful in the placement of acoustic materials to solve reflection problems. The SL66 program not only measures the magnitude and time of arrival of reflections, but also reports the direction of the reflecting surface relative to the microphone placement. Can only be used with TE systems and TE kits.

  • Measurements/Displays
  • RT60 & Speech Intelligibility-%ALCONS
  • Data storage
  • Configuration files
  • TE requirements
  • Computer system requirements
Goedkeuring: CE, RoHS en WEEE
- SL66 Polar Energy-time curves software
- Microphone Stand
- Positioning Arm
- GB10Gebruiksaanwijzing
1.130,14 € (934,00 € excl VAT) each

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